by BSCA Admin | May 20, 2024 | News
Welcome to the new-look website for the British Swimming Coaches Association. We’ve been working behind the scenes for the last few months to upgrade the look and feel of the site so that we can bring more news, jobs, education and resources to support the British...
by BSCA Admin | Nov 10, 2023 | News
Last week the BSCA were informed in unprecedented numbers from our membership of their concerns regarding a survey being undertaken by Swim England, where they felt the content was biased and encouraged complaints against coaches. The survey was undertaken as a...
by BSCA Admin | Sep 29, 2023 | News
The BSCA are pleased to announce that nominations for our 2022/23 Coaching Awards are sought after another successful season as COVID heads off into the background. The new BSCA Board are requesting nominations for the following Awards against the stated criteria:...
by BSCA Admin | Jun 14, 2023 | News
European Network of Sport Education (ENSE), we would like you to assist in completing the below survey. Please scan the QR code with your phone to take part.
by BSCA Admin | Jun 6, 2023 | News
Another great initiative from our partners at the ICCE. ICOACHKIDS is a non-profit global movement. Their mission is to help kids get the most out of sport. The online platform gives youth sport coaches the knowledge and tools to share and learn from one another, so...