The BSCA was set up by coaches for coaches and over 4 decades later, we still do exactly that.
- Criminal Law insurance & representation as part of membership
- Employment Law insurance & representation as part of membership fee
- Public Liability insurance
We are the only organisation within the sport which represents coaches at the Forums where our views need to be heard;
The only organisation which recognises coaching achievement & good practice at our Annual Awards Dinner – part of our National Conference;
The only organisation which will look out for you whenever you have a problem, whatever that problem is, whether you coach professionally or give of your free time & whatever level of the sport you coach at;
Provide practical Clinics, Workshops and Conferences, for coaches at all levels of the sport; Grass Roots to Elite and everywhere in-between, all recognised for CPD points.
When you join the BSCA, you join the British Coaching family drawing upon the friendship, kinship and support of coaches throughout your County, Region & Country, and if you attend our events, you can make contact with some of the greatest coaches on the planet, who travel here from throughout the world to pass on their knowledge & experience to members of our Association.
The BSCA works in partnership with British Swimming, various departments, sections and Regions of Swim England, Scottish Swimming and international coaching bodies such as the World Swimming Coaches Association (WSCA). Membership of the BSCA brings FREE membership of WSCA automatically.
BSCA members enjoy protection from specifically negotiated insurance policies, providing public liability cover but legal support & representation in matters pertaining to employment and criminal allegations. We are the only body in the UK to do ALL of this.
Coaching swimming in Britain is a specialist activity, needing specialist support – we believe that only the BSCA understand the specialism enough to be able to provide what’s needed in modern day sport.
Annual membership is just £18 per month or £204 per year, which saves you £1/month. Please note that whilst members can end their membership at any time, no refunds are offered as policies are paid upfront to our underwriters for the whole year.
For non-active coaches we also now offer an alternative associate membership.

BSCA Membership – Annual
£204.00 / year
Full membership includes:
- CoachSafe, our support & representation package covering issues pertaining to NGB law & policy concerns, employment & criminal law matters as well as support where matters of child welfare are raised
- CoachCare, the BSCA Coach welfare service
- Public Liability insurance
- News updates
- Access to exclusive members-only content on our website - including downloads from previous events / conferences
- Discount on our Annual Conference and ability to pay in instalments
- A huge discount on ASCA membership, just $40 per year
Annual payment £204 / year. Payments handled by 3rd Party service provider GoCardless.

BSCA Membership – Monthly
£18.00 / month
Full membership includes:
- CoachSafe, our support & representation package covering issues pertaining to NGB law & policy concerns, employment & criminal law matters as well as support where matters of child welfare are raised
- CoachCare, the BSCA Coach welfare service
- Public Liability insurance
- News updates
- Access to exclusive members-only content on our website - including downloads from previous events / conferences
- Discount on our Annual Conference and ability to pay in instalments
- A huge discount on ASCA membership, just $40 per year
Monthly payment £18 / month. Payments handled by 3rd Party service provider GoCardless.

BSCA Membership – International
£40.00 / year
International membership includes:
- News updates
- Access to exclusive members-only content on our website - including downloads from previous events / conferences
- A huge discount on ASCA membership, just $44 per year
International membership DOES NOT include:
- CoachSafe, our support & representation package covering issues pertaining to NGB law & policy concerns, employment & criminal law matters as well as support where matters of child welfare are raised
- CoachCare, the BSCA Coach welfare service
- Public Liability insurance
Annual payment £40/ year.