Developing Good Habits

Apr 28, 2016 | Resources

Dear all

I hope this blog finds you well. I’m tasked by the BSCA of lending a hand in promoting and leading coach welfare. To start us off, I would like us all to start developing good habits.

We as coaches are always telling our athletes and parents about the importance of good behaviour & developing good habits, however we can often forget to do them ourselves. Please remember you must put yourself first. This is your first little blog, I hope you get something from the seven points below:

Needless tolerations can bleed you dry of energy and make it impossible for you to function effectively.  You can’t live a happy, successful, fulfilling life if you’re spending all your energy tolerating things that shouldn’t be tolerated.  Sometimes you need to put your foot down.
If you feel like you have been too, here are some things to stop tolerating in your life:

1.  The decision to settle for mediocrity. – It’s not always about trying to fix something that’s broken.  Sometimes it’s about starting over and creating something better.  Sometimes you need to distance yourself to see things clearly.  Sometimes growing up means growing apart from old habits, relationships, and situations, and finding something new that truly moves you – something that gets you so excited you can’t wait to get out of bed in the morning.  That’s what life is all about.  Don’t settle.

2.  Your own negative thinking. – Your mind is your sacred space.  You can close the windows and darken your space, or you can open the windows and let light in.  It’s your choice.  The sun is always shining on some part of your life.  What do you typically think about?  How far you’ve come, or how far you have to go?  Your strengths, or your weaknesses?  The best that could happen, or the worst that might come to be?  Pay attention to your self-talk.  Because maybe, the only thing that needs to shift in order for you to experience more happiness, more calm, and more success, is your way of thinking.

3.  Other people’s negativity. – If you don’t value yourself, look out for yourself, and stick up for yourself, you’re sabotaging yourself.  You do not have control over what others say and do. (In fact it’s none of your business); but you do have control over whether or not you will allow them to say and do these things to you. You alone can deny their poisonous words, gossip and actions from invading your headspace. Remember, if you do not respect your sacred inner space, no one else will either.

4.  Unhealthy relationships. – Choose your relationships wisely.  Being alone will never cause as much loneliness as the wrong relationships.  Be with people who know your worth.  You don’t need lots of friends to be happy; just a few real ones who appreciate you for who you are. Often these should be outside of swimming. Walking away from this, has nothing to do with weakness, and everything to do with strength.  We walk away not because we want others to realise our worth, but because we finally realise our own worth.

5.  Dishonesty. – Inner peace is being able to rest at night knowing you haven’t used or taken advantage of anyone to get to where you are in life.  Living a life of honesty creates peace of mind, and peace of mind is priceless.  Period.  Don’t be dishonest and don’t put up with people who are.

6.  Inaction. – The acquisition of knowledge doesn’t mean you’re growing; growing happens when what you know changes how you live.  You can’t change anything or make any sort of progress by sitting back and thinking about it.  If you keep doing what you’re doing, you’ll keep getting what you’re getting.  The best time to start is now.

7.  The choice to mull over past mistakes and regrets. – If you feel like your ship is sinking, it might be a good time to throw out the stuff that’s been weighing it down.  If you’re thinking at all about uncluttering your life and cleaning up your space, start with the things that are truly useless, like old regrets, shame, and anger.  Let it GO!  You can’t start the next chapter of your life if you keep rereading your previous one.

Next time I would like to go through how you should plan your week, putting YOU first.
If anyone has any ideas or thoughts please feel free to get in touch.
Anyone who is struggling see contact details below, and get in touch. Don’t put it off, today is the day.

Sean Kelly

07709 873705 Where a voicemail is left, it will be responded to as quickly as possible.

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